Friday, June 6, 2008


Do you think Pluto is a planet or not??? My thoughts are Pluto is a planet because its name is way too cool!!And Micky Mouses dog's name is Pluto!! Everybody has to love Pluto!!

True Stuff About Pluto:
Pluto is the 2 largest know dwarf planet in the solar system. Pluto comes from Latin. Pluto was discovered in 1930, Fed.18.Pluto is now considered the largest member of a distinct region called the Kuiper belt. Pluto is mostly made of solid rock and ice because it is far way from the sun. Pluto has 2 know smaller moons called Nix&Hydra.Pluto was discovered by Cyde W. Tombaugh. Pluto got its name from Venetia Burney a 11 year old school girl of lived in Oxford, England, she was interested in astronomy. For naming it she got a reward of 500$ Pluto is -240 degree BELLOW O!!!. Pluto rotation period 6.387 per day and 248.54 per year. Distance from the sun is 5,913,520,000 miles. Pluto's tilt of axis is 122.52 degrees.

That what I learned about Pluto. If you know more please leave comments!!!

Peace Out

What's for lunch today Doc?

Do you know what's for Lunch today??Is it hotdog with french fries???That sound Great but that not what I want!!! Or is it pp&J with sun chips??NOPE!!! I got it!!! We should go out to eat? And eat chicken!! I'm not in the mood for chicken any way I'm not a chicken with my head cut off!!! I out of ideas.Please tell me what's for lunch.I need lots of comments.

Well actually I want Mac & cheese.

Peace Out!

My First Post

Hey everybody 

This is my first blog post! I hope my blogs are interesting, funny and Cool. Please leave comments.

Peace Out!